Leveraging Digital Interventions for Comprehensive Care In CLBP
In healthcare, one of the most persistent and debilitating conditions plaguing millions of people across the globe is chronic low back pain (CLBP). This condition is a source of persistent personal discomfort and incapacity and poses substantial socioeconomic repercussions.
The Paradigm Shift: Emphasising the Importance of In-Home Rehabilitation and Exercise in Recovery
In the constantly evolving world of healthcare, the focus on delivering value to patients is more pertinent than ever. Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC), a patient-centric approach that prioritises health outcomes over the volume of services, is emerging as the lynchpin for this shift.
Value-Based Healthcare: A Strategic Shift Towards Quality Care
In the constantly evolving world of healthcare, the focus on delivering value to patients is more pertinent than ever. Value-Based Healthcare (VBHA), a patient-centric approach that prioritises health outcomes over the volume of services, is emerging as the lynchpin for this shift.