Early Intervention Programs

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industry leaders


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Prevent unnecessary scans, treatment and time loss from work

Prevents unnecessary scans, treatment and time loss from work

screening for risk

consistent screening for risks

Australia Wide

Australia Wide

Early Intervention Programs

Who’s it for?

Designed to assist individuals who have experienced acute musculoskeletal injuries, specifically injuries to the neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee, and ankle.

The primary aim of the Early Intervention Program is to provide targeted, evidence based, active treatment protocols to patients. By providing assessment, education and treatment as soon as possible after an injury or musculoskeletal complaint, recovery is maximised.

The Navigator Group Difference

Our Early Intervention Programs represent a vital part of the recovery process for employees dealing with workplace or motor vehicle injuries. Addressing both physical and psychological needs early in their recovery, our programs are pivotal in ensuring a fast and effective recovery. Our expert-driven approach and holistic methodology set the standard for effective and empathetic injury management in Australia.


How does it work?

Injured workers will be screened and assessed by a Physiotherapist in a telehealth consultation, giving early access to quality health care, from any location. A customised exercise program using motion sensor technology will be formulated for the patient and their physiotherapist will check in with them weekly. A web-portal captures exercise and behavioural data to allow therapists to best support a patients recovery.

  • Referral and Assessment: Upon referral, our experienced physiotherapists will assess your injury and determine the most suitable treatment plan for your needs.

  • Tailored Treatment: Your assigned physiotherapist will create a personalized treatment plan, including exercise-based rehabilitation, designed to facilitate your recovery.

  • Remote Access: You can complete your rehabilitation exercises in the comfort of your own home, supported by clear instructions and guidance from your physiotherapist.

  • Regular Communication: Throughout the program, your physiotherapist will maintain regular communication, providing feedback, answering your questions, and ensuring your progress is on track.

  • Weekly Check-ins: Your physiotherapist will connect with you on a weekly basis to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

  • Expert Guidance: If your recovery requires additional attention, our program ensures you are fast-tracked onto more comprehensive care, such as our Active Recovery Clinic.

The Early Intervention Program aims to expedite your recovery process, reduce the need for workers' compensation claims, prevent unnecessary treatments, and keep you engaged and supported throughout your journey to better health.

What are the benefits?

The Early Intervention Program from Navigator Group offers these key benefits for acute musculoskeletal injuries:

  • Quick Treatment: Get rapid access to physiotherapy support for prompt intervention.

  • Tailored Plan: Receive a personalized treatment plan crafted by experienced physiotherapists.

  • Home Convenience: Complete exercises at home, reducing the need for frequent clinic visits.

  • Ongoing Support: Stay connected with weekly check-ins and treatment adjustments.

  • Prevent Complications: Timely care minimizes the risk of complications and unnecessary treatments.

  • Minimal Work Absence: Keep working while recovering, reducing time off and claims.

  • Holistic Approach: Address physical and overall well-being for comprehensive healing.

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from specialized physiotherapy expertise.

  • Efficient Recovery: Experience a quicker and safer recovery process, returning to normal activities sooner.

  • The primary objective of the Early Intervention Program is to quickly and effectively address health issues or injuries at their onset, particularly in workplace environments or following motor vehicle accidents.

    The Early Intervention Program aims to prevent the deterioration of these conditions or injuries, facilitating a faster and more efficient recovery process. Rooted in expert medical and psychological knowledge, the Navigator Group approach emphasises a comprehensive recovery journey.

    This methodology focuses on both the physical and psychological aspects of injuries to help individuals regain their best possible health and overall well-being in a timely manner. This dual-focused strategy is essential for a holistic and effective recovery process, ensuring that workers are not only physically healed but also mentally and emotionally supported throughout their journey back to health.

  • The importance of correctly implementing Early Intervention Programs is immense. A well-implemented program dramatically shortens and simplifies the recovery process, resulting in superior outcomes for both workers and employers. For workers, this translates to less time away from work and a faster resumption of their regular lives. Employers also benefit from effective Early Intervention Programs, reducing the financial burdens of extended absences and persistent health complications.

    Navigator Group, with our extensive knowledge in handling work-related injuries, ensures that interventions are timely and specifically adapted to meet each employee's unique needs. This personalised approach is key to maximising the effectiveness of early interventions, ensuring that every employee receives the most suitable care right from the beginning. This tailored support is pivotal in fostering a quicker, more efficient, and holistic recovery for each person involved.

  • Navigator Group's holistic approach to early intervention considers both the physical and psychological aspects of recovery. This method acknowledges the complex relationship between the body and mind, ensuring that these programs address physical healing and offer psychological support. This support is crucial in dealing with mental and emotional challenges that may arise due to injuries.

    When providing early intervention care that focuses on both of these aspects, individuals receive comprehensive support, which aids in a more complete and lasting recovery. This integrated care approach facilitates a smoother transition back to health and regular daily activities, ensuring well-rounded support for each employee.

  • Early intervention is a crucial step in the recovery journey, and Navigator Group’s expertise ensures that this step is taken with precision and care. Our programs are developed to cater to each employee’s specific requirements, supported by a deep understanding of the nuances of workplace and motor vehicle injuries. This personalised approach guarantees that every employee receives the most effective care from the beginning, paving the way for a smoother and quicker recovery process.

    At Navigator Group, we constantly update our methodologies and utilise the latest research, ensuring each recovery plan is at the forefront of medical and psychological practices. This approach further enhances the likelihood of a successful and rapid recovery for each employee we assist.

  • The role of experienced professionals in Early Intervention Programs cannot be understated. Navigator Group's medical and psychological experts are well-versed in the theoretical aspects of recovery and possess a wealth of practical experience. This expertise is crucial in designing interventions that are not only evidence-based but also empathetic and responsive to the real-world challenges faced by employees recovering from injuries.

    Navigator Group's commitment to a client-centred approach further emphasises the significance of expert guidance in Early Intervention Programs. Our blend of academic knowledge and practical experience is vital for developing interventions not just based on scientific evidence but also finely tuned to the specific needs and challenges faced by employees recovering from injuries. Our ability to balance scientific rigour with compassionate care ensures that our interventions are both practical and considerate, genuinely reflecting the needs of the employees these programs are designed to assist.

  • Navigator Group's commitment to early intervention is a process of continuous improvement. Staying abreast of the latest developments in medical and psychological care and incorporating these advancements into our programs, we ensure that our services remain at the forefront of effective injury recovery. This dedication to excellence is a testament to our commitment to delivering optimal outcomes for all involved.

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