Deborah Meaden warns time running out to act on climate.

In a world where climate action is more crucial than ever, prominent figures like Deborah Meaden are stepping up to champion the cause. But what role does business play in this urgent transformation? Navigator Group, present at the eco-Disruptive Live event, is right at the heart of this equation.

Deborah Meaden rightfully points out that consumers hold the key to change through their spending choices. They're steering big businesses towards more sustainable practices. However, the real game-changers in this arena are the innovative start-ups that are reshaping the landscape of sustainability.

Navigator Group, a participant in the eco-Disruptive Live event, embraces this spirit of innovation. While established corporations grapple with shareholder demands and sometimes face inertia on climate change, start-ups bring fresh, agile perspectives. With their laser-focus on new ideas, start-ups have the potential to drive radical shifts towards sustainability, solving critical issues across supply chains, waste, and energy consumption.

Navigator Group and its fellow disruptors are stitching together the climate action puzzle, driving a more sustainable future for all.


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